Polish Your Content with Our Book Editing Services

You've crafted an exceptional manuscript, but it needs that extra touch to shine on the global stage. We're here to provide that something extra and transform your manuscript into a one-of-a-kind book.

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Let's Give Your Book That Premium Feel: Get Our Editing Services

In today's digital publishing landscape, presentation is paramount. Regardless of the quality of your content, poor presentation can hinder its performance. This holds for books as well. Many potentially best-selling books fell short because readers found the layout and visuals lacking. No matter how compelling the story and language are, an unpolished layout can lead to a subpar reading experience. If readers don't enjoy the presentation, they'll put the book aside and move on.

So, what's the solution? It's simple—hire a team of professional book editors who understand various genres and reader preferences regarding layout and visuals. You've just found that team! American Digital Publishers boasts an in-house team comprising some of the industry's top book editors. They are well-versed in modern book trends and know how to deliver the experience your readers seek. With our professionals on your side, your manuscript will transform into a book that not only garners worldwide attention but also fulfills your dream of becoming a renowned author.

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Don't Let Your Hard Work Go to Waste - Let Us Make Your Manuscript Swoon-Worthy

You've invested considerable time and energy into your manuscript, and it would be a disservice to let it fall short of your expectations. Don't entrust your hard work to inexperienced hands just because it's cost-effective. In the end, it can cost you even more. After a less experienced editor damages your manuscript, you'll turn to book editing professionals like us to salvage the situation and turn your content into an enjoyable book that resonates with readers worldwide. Why take the long detour? Give us a call and speak to one of our representatives to hire one of our exceptionally talented teams, ensuring your manuscript lands in capable hands.

The Book Editing Services We Provide

Our book editors possess years of experience in the literary industry and can help you publish a bestseller, turning your dream into a profound reality.


Our comprehensive editing service delves deep into your manuscript, meticulously refining grammar, syntax, and structural elements. Beyond the mere correction of errors, we focus on enhancing the narrative flow, resulting in a seamless and engaging reading experience. Through our comprehensive editing, your manuscript will emerge as a polished, professional work that is fully prepared to captivate and resonate with readers.

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Line Editing

Line editing is where your manuscript undergoes a meticulous examination at the sentence level. Our line editing service is all about refining the finer details of your writing. We pay attention to language precision, style, tone, and clarity. Every sentence is scrutinized to ensure it contributes to the overall cohesiveness and impact of your work. With our line editing expertise, your prose will shine, creating a compelling and immersive reading experience for your audience.

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Proofreading & Polishing

Proofreading and polishing are the final steps in perfecting your manuscript. We conduct a thorough review to eliminate any lingering errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting. Our meticulous proofreading ensures that your manuscript is polished to perfection, presenting a professional and error-free appearance to readers. It's the finishing touch that guarantees your work is impeccable.

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Story Building

Story building is about elevating your narrative to its full potential. Our service helps you craft a more compelling and engaging story by focusing on plot development, character depth, and thematic resonance. We work collaboratively with you to strengthen the foundations of your narrative, ensuring that it resonates deeply with your readers and leaves a lasting impact.

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Manuscript Enhancement

Manuscript enhancement involves a comprehensive approach to improving your entire work. We refine plot intricacies, character arcs, pacing, and overall coherence. We transform your manuscript into a polished and captivating piece of literature. With our manuscript enhancement service, your work will be elevated to its highest potential, ready to make a significant impact in the literary world.

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Ensure Your Book and Author Name Shine Worldwide

We know how to position your book in the spotlight and ensure your name becomes synonymous with excellence in the global book community.

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Ever Wondered How Pros Edit Books? Here's How

Our consistent success in delivering results is attributed to our well-defined process.

Detailed Discussion

We deeply understand your vision and goals, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of your idea.

In-Depth Research

We analyze your content for accuracy and coherence, setting the stage for a polished manuscript.

Strategy Creation

Crafting a roadmap to enhance the plot, characters, and pacing aligns your book with literary brilliance.

Drawing the Outline

We create an outline that serves as a roadmap for improving your manuscript.

Initial Editing

We review the plot and story, checking for grammatical mistakes.

Feedback & Revisions

We value your input and incorporate your feedback into the manuscript.


With your feedback in hand, we confidently finalize the manuscript by the agreed deadline.

Your Book is Ready

Once your book is ready, we send it to you or offer publishing services to bring your book to the world.

The Value We Offer to Our Clients

Committed to Quality

We consistently go the extra mile to ensure maximum client satisfaction, from understanding your vision to enhancing and polishing every aspect of your book.

Unrivaled Reliability & Affordability

Known for reliability and affordability, we have helped authors improve their manuscripts, that cover grammatical errors, inconsistencies, and plot holes. We provide premium-level services at affordable prices.

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Tailored Excellence

We recognize that each manuscript has a unique story and voice. Our commitment to tailored excellence preserves your authenticity and emotional resonance, resulting in a final product that deeply connects with readers.

Guided Partnership

We view our relationship with you as a guided partnership, where your vision and creative input are fundamental. With open communication, we align your aspirations with our editing expertise, resulting in a manuscript that exceeds your expectations.



I spent a year working on my manuscript and gave myself two years, but I realized…why wait? I got in touch with American Digital Publishers and professional book writers there turned things around for me. I’ve enjoyed great success on by third book with American Digital Publishers. Highly recommended for people with great ideas who just can’t sit thru hours in front of their computer.

Jodi Picoult

My manuscript was ready and sitting on my table for the past two years… it was until I stumbled on American Digital Publishers. These guys helped me become an author and I am simply enjoying the run.

Morwenna Blackwood

I spent 10 years in the tech space and had a few not-so-great ideas to share with the world. Fortunately, I hired guys at American Digital Publishers who produced an outstanding book for me in the space of six months

Steven Wright

I wanted a several short story books for my children and nieces with a few drawings. I wanted to keep things simple and make it an enjoyable read for the children. After several measly attempts, I finally got in touch with American Digital Publishers. Now the kids get to enjoy their favorite books!


Book editing involves reviewing and revising a manuscript to improve its clarity, coherence, and overall quality. It's important to ensure your book is free of errors, flows smoothly, and engages readers effectively.

We offer various editing services, including developmental editing, copyediting, line editing, and proofreading. Each focuses on different aspects of your manuscript.

Developmental editing focuses on the overall structure, plot, character development, and narrative flow. Copyediting deals with grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure.

We assess your manuscript and discuss your goals to determine the most suitable editing service for your project during the initial consultation.

Yes, we have experienced editors who can edit books in various genres, including fiction, non-fiction, academic, self-help, and more.

The timeline depends on factors like the length and complexity of your manuscript. We'll provide you with an estimated timeframe after reviewing your work.

Your manuscript will be edited by a highly skilled human editor with expertise in your genre.

Yes, we prioritize client confidentiality, and your manuscript will be handled with the utmost privacy and security.

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