The Writer, Be the Publisher - Amazon KDP publishing services

Are you tired of publishers making decisions about your book? Take control of your work with our Amazon KDP self-publishing services. If you're the author, you should be the one shaping the destiny of your book!

Take the first step on your journey by submitting the form below with your full name, email, phone, and a message about your book.

Amazon KDP Publishing Agency for Hire You Can Count On

We understand that creating your book was a labor of love, and now you want to ensure it reaches the readers you wrote it for. However, venturing into the world of publishing can be daunting, and traditional publishing may not give you the control you desire. That's where American Digital Publishers, the premier Amazon KDP self-publishing agency, comes in. With our professional Amazon KDP publishing services, you not only get your ebook professionally published on Amazon Kindle but also retain maximum control over your book's destiny.

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Self-Publish Your Book on Amazon Kindle Today!

Our passion lies in helping aspiring authors publish their hard work on the right platforms to fulfill their book's purpose. Do you have a book that needs publishing? Contact us now!

Amazon KDP

Ready to share your literary masterpiece with the world? Our Amazon KDP Publication services are designed to make your book accessible to millions of readers worldwide. We handle the technical aspects, formatting your manuscript to meet Amazon's standards. Let us take care of the details while you focus on what you do best—writing.

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Amazon KDP

We love nothing more than helping aspiring authors publish their hard work on the right platforms so that the book can serve its purpose. Do you have a book that needs publishing? Well, call us now! When it comes to editing, our Amazon KDP Editing services ensure that your manuscript is polished to perfection. Our experienced editors review your work, addressing grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall clarity. With our expert touch, your book will shine, captivating readers without distractions.

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Amazon KDP
Cover Design

We love nothing more than helping aspiring authors publish their hard work on the right platforms so that the book can serve its purpose. Ready to make a lasting impression? Our Amazon KDP Cover Design services are here to ensure that your book's cover is eye-catching and compelling. Our talented designers create visually stunning covers that draw readers in and convey the essence of your work. Let your book's cover be a work of art that speaks volumes about your story.

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Amazon KDP

We love nothing more than helping aspiring authors publish their hard work on the right platforms so that the book can serve its purpose. Do you have a book that needs publishing? Well, call us now! To get your book noticed in the crowded literary world, you need effective marketing strategies. Our Amazon KDP Marketing services are designed to boost your book's visibility and reach the right audience. From targeted promotion to online advertising, we'll craft a marketing plan that ensures your book stands out and finds its readers.

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Amazon KDP

We love nothing more than helping aspiring authors publish their hard work on the right platforms so that the book can serve its purpose. Are you ready to share your masterpiece with the world? Our Amazon KDP Printing services handle the physical production of your book. Whether you're interested in print-on-demand or traditional printing, we ensure that your book is beautifully crafted and ready for distribution. Let us take care of the printing process while you focus on your writing journey.

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Your Readers Are Waiting for Your Book!

Are you among the authors chanting, 'I want to Self Publish My Book on Amazon KDP?' If so, then you are just a click away!

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How We Help You
Self-Publish Your Book

Our Amazon KDP self-publishing services follow a professionally crafted process to deliver outstanding results:

Free Consultation

We begin by listening to your requirements and offering professional advice based on our extensive experience.


You complete a form that helps us understand your vision for your book.

Book Content Review

Our expert writers review your manuscript for mistakes and errors.

Cover Design

Our designers create an eye-catching book cover.

Editing & Formatting

Editors and formatters ensure your book is flawless and consistent.

Book Finalization

You review and approve the book before publishing.


We handle the entire publishing process.

Your Hard Work Pays Off

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the royalties or start working on your next book!

Why Us & Not Somebody Else?

Because no one does it better than we do when it comes to helping new authors self-publish their books on Amazon!

Our Clients Love Us

At American Digital Publishers, we take immense pride in the loyalty of our clients. Our commitment to excellence and the satisfaction of our authors are at the core of our business. The reason our clients continue to choose us is simple: we deliver on our promises. We consistently provide value that goes beyond the norm, ensuring that their publishing experience is not only successful but also enjoyable. We understand that their trust in us is earned through our dedication to their literary dreams, and that's something we treasure above all else.

Tailored Solutions Meets Creativity

Creativity is at the heart of what we do, and we know that no two authors or books are alike. That's why we embrace the uniqueness of each project and tailor our services to match your specific vision. Our team of creative professionals doesn't settle for one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we craft personalized strategies that bring your book to life in a way that aligns perfectly with your goals. Whether it's designing a captivating book cover or devising a marketing plan that stands out, our creativity is your advantage.

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Skilled & Experienced

In the world of publishing, experience matters. We've assembled a team of skilled professionals who have honed their craft through years of dedicated work in the industry. Our writers, designers, editors, and publishers bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project. This collective experience ensures that your book is in the hands of individuals who not only understand their respective roles but also grasp the intricacies of the publishing landscape. You can trust our team to bring their seasoned skills to the table and deliver exceptional results.

Nothing Hidden

Transparency is the cornerstone of our approach to publishing. We want you to be fully informed and confident in every decision made during your publishing journey. There are no hidden fees, surprises, or undisclosed terms. From the initial consultation to the final publication, we keep you in the loop, ensuring that you understand every step of the process. Your book's success is not just our goal; it's our commitment. We believe that an open and transparent partnership is the key to making your publishing experience smooth and rewarding.



I spent a year working on my manuscript and gave myself two years, but I realized…why wait? I got in touch with American Digital Publishers and professional book writers there turned things around for me. I’ve enjoyed great success on by third book with Gnome. Highly recommended for people with great ideas who just can’t sit thru hours in front of their computer.

Jodi Picoult

My manuscript was ready and sitting on my table for the past two years… it was until I stumbled on Gnome. These guys helped me become an author and I am simply enjoying the run.

Morwenna Blackwood

I spent 10 years in the tech space and had a few not-so-great ideas to share with the world. Fortunately, I hired guys at Gnome who produced an outstanding book for me in the space of six months

Steven Wright

I wanted a several short story books for my children and nieces with a few drawings. I wanted to keep things simple and make it an enjoyable read for the children. After several measly attempts, I finally got in touch with American Digital Publishers. Now the kids get to enjoy their favorite books!


Amazon KDP, or Kindle Direct Publishing, is a platform that allows authors to self-publish their books in digital format on Amazon's Kindle store. It provides authors with the opportunity to reach a global audience of e-book readers.

Our Amazon KDP Publishing Services offer a seamless and expertly guided self-publishing experience. We provide a range of services, from manuscript preparation to cover design and marketing, ensuring your book reaches its full potential on the Kindle platform.

Yes, Amazon KDP offers the option to publish both e-books and print-on-demand (POD) paperbacks. We can assist you in preparing and publishing your book in both formats.

The timeline for publishing a book can vary depending on factors like manuscript readiness and design complexity. Typically, e-books can be published relatively quickly, while print-on-demand paperbacks may take a bit longer due to formatting and printing.

Yes, you retain all the rights to your book when using Amazon KDP. You maintain full control over your work, including the ability to set pricing, make changes, and even publish it elsewhere if you choose.

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